Our customers primarily consist of international system integrators operating in the Parking, Automatic Fare Collection and Toll System business.
In the Automatic Fare Collection field, our equipments are used as ticket processing systems for ticket vending machines, validators in buses, trams, trolleys, etc. as well as in turnstiles for metro applications.
Beside the OEM products, we also operate in the production line sector for initialisation and encoding of tickets. In this area, the ticket manufacturing companies and metros are our main customers.
In the parking and toll sectors, our units are integrated as ticket processing systems for entry and exit terminals as well as automatic pay stations.
In addition to our basic versions, our equipments can be adapted to the specific technological requirements of our customers. For an easier and user-friendlier integration in the respective application areas, our equipments are delivered free of charge with WINDOWS® or - if available - LINUX® driver units. The CSC MIFARE® System completes our OEM product range.